Bộ Luật hình sự 2015 tiếng Anh: The Criminal Code of Vietnam

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Bộ Luật hình sự tiếng Anh
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
No. 100/2015/QH13
Hanoi, November 27, 2015

Pursuant to Constitution of Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
The National Assembly promulgates the Criminal Code.
Part One
Chapter I

Article 1. Objectives of the Criminal Code

The Criminal Code is meant to protect Vietnam’s sovereignty and security; protect the socialism regime, human rights, citizenship rights; protect the equality among ethnic groups; protect interests of the State; organize and protect the law; punish crimes; raise people’s awareness of compliance with the law; prevent and fight crimes.
This Code provides for crimes and punishments.

Article 2. Basis of criminal liability

1. No one who commits a criminal offence that is not regulated by the Criminal Code has to incur criminal liability.
2. No corporate legal entity that commits a criminal offence that is not regulated in Article 76 hereof has to incur criminal liability.

Article 3. Rules for punishing crimes

1. With regard to criminals:
a) Every crime committed by a person must be discovered promptly and dealt with quickly and fairly in compliance with law;
b) All criminals are equal before the law regardless of gender, ethnicity, belief, religion, social class, or social status;
c) Instigation of crimes, masterminds, or obstinacy, gangster-like crimes, dangerous recidivism, abuse of positions or power to commit criminal offences shall be strictly punished;
d) Criminal offences committed by employment of deceitful methods; in an organized manner, in a professional manner, or with intent to inflict extremely serious consequences shall be strictly punished.
Leniency shall be showed towards criminals who turn themselves in; show cooperative attitudes; inform on accomplices; made reparation in an effort to atone for their crimes; express contrition; voluntarily compensate for damage they inflict;
dd) A person who commit a less serious crime for the first time may serve a community sentence (mandatory supervision by family or an organization);
e) People sentenced to imprisonment shall serve their sentences at prisons and must improve themselves to become effective and productive citizens; commutation or conditional parole shall be granted to people who satisfy conditions set out in this Code;
g) People who have served their sentences are enabled to live and work honesty and fit into society; criminal records shall be expunged when all conditions are satisfied.
2. With regard to corporate legal entities that commit criminal offences:
a) Every criminal offence committed by a corporate legal entity must be discovered promptly and dealt with quickly and fairly in compliance with law;
b) All corporate legal entities that commit criminal offences are equal before the law regardless of type of business and economic sector;
c) Criminal offences committed by deceitful methods; organized crimes, deliberate infliction of extremely serious consequences shall be strictly punished;
d) Leniency shall be showed towards corporate legal entities that are cooperative during the proceeding, voluntarily compensate for damage they inflict, proactively prevent or alleviate consequences.



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Bộ Luật hình sự 2015 tiếng Anh: The Criminal Code of Vietnam
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